Cross cross runner Arianna Ocanas placed on VP Honor list for Fall 2023

Cross cross runner Arianna Ocanas placed on VP Honor list for Fall 2023

Arianna Ocanas is 22 years old and originally from Sinton Texas.  She is a United States Navy Veteran.  Arianna is also a first-generation high school graduate and in May a first-generation college graduate.  Her goal is to become a Clinical Therapist for active duty and military veterans.  Arianna is an advocate for mental health and Epilepsy.  She enjoys running, hiking and being active physically.  She puts God first and loves living a healthy life on and off the course.  One of her recent achievements is to been placed on the Vice President's Honor List for the fall 2023 semester while being a full-time student and a Cross Country Athlete.  Award Letter!

Coach Zeckua